Can you go to Dubai .. | All the Common Questions Tackled

Can you go to Dubai .. | All the Common Questions Tackled

When going abroad to any country or city, you may have a few questions or concerns about what is and isn’t allowed. Dubai is no different, so we have constructed this guide to hopefully answer some of yours and the most Googled questions about what you can do in Dubai.

Can you go to Dubai with a criminal record from the UK or US?

Can You Go to Dubai with a Criminal Record | The Vacation Builder
Photo by Sora Shimazaki

If you are travelling to Dubai for a holiday, you will most likely be fine. However, there may be some problems if you have a criminal record in the UAE. The UAE isn’t like some countries, for example the USA, where you may be illegible for a visa if you have certain criminal convictions.

If you do have any concerns about travelling or if you are planning to move to Dubai or if you have a criminal record in the UAE, you should speak to the UAE embassy in your country.

Can you go to Dubai with a Drug Conviction?

Can you go to Dubai with a Drug Conviction | The Vacation Builder
Photo by Aleksandar Pasaric

Drug convictions work the same way as criminal records when travelling to Dubai. Assuming you do not have a criminal record in the UAE, you should be fine. If you are only travelling for a holiday, you should also not have any problems. However, if you are travelling for work, it is worthwhile checking in with the UAE embassy in your country.

If you are from the USA, you could encounter some problems in your country where you may find that you have trouble obtaining a passport if you have had a drug trafficking conviction.

Can you go to Dubai with a DUI offence?

Can you go to Dubai with a DUI Offence | The Vacation Builder
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The severity of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol offences vary country to country. As the UAE is a conservative Muslim country, alcohol-related crimes are viewed fairly seriously.

Despite this, there are no laws preventing tourists with a DUI offence from entering the country. However, entry may be more difficult because of how the crime is viewed negatively in the culture. It may vary case by case, so if you have DUI, you should speak with your UAE embassy.

Can you go to Dubai if your Passport Has an Israeli Stamp?

Can you go to Dubai with an Israel Stamp on Your Passport | The Vacation Builder
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There is a lot of misconception surrounding Israeli stamps. For the purposes of Dubai, Israeli stamps will not be a problem. For some years, Israeli stamps have not been an issue when arriving to Dubai. In fact, border officials give you an entry visa on a piece of paper when travelling to Israel now.

Obviously, if you are planning to apply for a visa or permit then this may be more complicated. As before, if this is the case you are best consulting your UAE embassy.

Can you go to Dubai if you are not Married?

Photo by Git Stephen Gitau

As a general rule of thumb, it is fine to travel to Dubai if you are an unmarried couple so long as you do not draw attention to it. Unmarried couples sharing a room is technically illegal in Dubai, but it is very unlikely that you will be challenged on this.

The Dubai Tourism Bureau has said:

“Dubai is a cosmopolitan city that recognises that marriage does not define all relationships and as such does not discriminate against singles or unmarried couples visiting the emirate.”

If you are looking to move to Dubai as an unmarried couple, you can expect good news. Recently, the rules in the UAE regarding unmarried couples have been relaxed to allow them to live together.

One thing to note is, that it is best to avoid public displays of affection in the UAE to respect the culture.

Can you go to Dubai if you are Gay?

Can you go to Dubai if you are Gay | The Vacation Builder
Photo by Denys Gromov

If you are planning to visit Dubai, you should know that homosexuality is unfortunately strictly forbidden and illegal. If you and a partner are concerned about visiting Dubai, you may be better off looking elsewhere.

If you are set on travelling to Dubai, you should be fine so long as you avoid drawing attention to your homosexuality or by public displays of affection.

You should remember that homosexuality in Dubai can be punishable by up 10 years in prison and fines.

Can you go to Dubai when Pregnant?

Can you go to Dubai if you're pregnant | The Vacation Builder

If you are planning to travel to Dubai before your 29th week of pregnancy, you will have no problems as this is completely allowed unless you have medical concerns or complications. This time range may vary slightly depending upon your travel provider, so always check before you book or travel.

If you are after your 29th week of pregnancy, you will need to bring a medical certificate or signed letter from your doctor otherwise you cannot travel.

If you are after your 36th week of pregnancy, you will not be allowed to travel to Dubai.

Can you go to Dubai if you Have Tattoos?

Can you go to Dubai if you have tattoos | The Vacation Builder
Photo by rolleiflex_graphy

If you have tattoos, you may have concerns about if they are allowed in the UAE. The good news is that having and getting tattoos is legal in the UAE.

It has been misconstrued that getting tattoos in the UAE is illegal, but this is not the case. However, in Islam, tattoos are deemed a form of self harm which is condemned in the culture. This should be noted as the UAE is an Islamic country.

You should not worry as you will not be faced with fines or imprisonment if you have visible tattoos. The only aspect to cause concern is if your tattoos are considered offensive or inappropriate. For example if you have explicit language or naked bodies tattooed. If this is the case you are best off covering up the tattoos.

Can you go to Dubai During COVID?

Can you go to Dubai during COVID | The Vacation Builder
Photo by Anna Shvets

You can currently travel to Dubai unless your country has their own travel restrictions. You will be required to take COVID-19 tests upon arrival. You must also have medical insurance to cover treatment and quarantine costs should you need it.

There are guidelines and precautions in place across the city including your hotels, restaurants, and entertainment venues.

Can you go to Dubai from the USA?

Can you go to Dubai from the USA | The Vacation Builder

You can absolutely get to Dubai from the USA, but you ought to brace yourself for a lengthy trip. Journeys typically take 12+ hours for a direct flight and 21+ hours for stopover flights.

Generally with the COVID-19 pandemic, you are still allowed to travel from the US to Dubai, but check you meet the requirements before you travel.

Check out everything you need to know in our full guide for how to get to Dubai from the US.

Can you go to Dubai from India?

Can you go to Dubai from India | The Vacation Builder

You can visit Dubai for a holiday from India, but you will need a Dubai visa before travelling. These are easily attainable from travel agents or online.

The flight times can vary but you’re looking at about 3+ hours.

Currently with the pandemic, you are able to travel to Dubai from India, but you may be required to prove a negative test before travel.

For full travel information and prices for Dubai from India, check out our article on how to get to Dubai from India.

Can you go to Dubai from Abu Dhabi?

Can you go to Dubai from Abu Dhabi | The Vacation Builder
Photo by Denys Gromov

Fancy visiting the neighbouring city? Dubai is only a 1 hour 30 minute drive away. This gives you loads of travel options including; the bus, the metro, taxis, and of course, self-drive. There are plenty of tour options if you fancy a day trip during your stay.

As you are in the same country, you are allowed to travel between Dubai and Abu Dhabi during the pandemic so long as you follow government guidelines.

Check out our full detailed guide on how to get to Abu Dhabi from Dubai.


We hope that this guide was informative and answered some of the questions you may have had! We hope that it has set your mind at ease.

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